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100% PURE Paid Social Advertising

Concepting  -  Design  -  Photography  -  Styling  -  Copywriting  -  UGC Curation

Like Bob Dylan already predicted, the times are a changin’. We’re officially saying goodbye to high organic social reach for free. Enter a new social landscape cluttered with brands grasping to reach current and potential customers with much less space to do it in. Big budgets are great but if the ads aren't resonating with viewers, you'll see little to no ROI no matter how much money you throw at them. Quality and creative content is key while optimizing your audiences to reach your target market. 

100% PURE paid social advertising had changed hands throughout the years; twice being out-sourced to agencies before I took over with a co-worker, Chris in April 2017. Spend was increasing with previous managers without seeing meaningful returns. After deep-diving into the account, Chris (managing the spend and audience building) and
I (managing the creative and copy) had significantly improved ROI, quality and work flow of all paid social ads.

We are able to provide expertise in key areas of paid social advertising: 

Optimizing Audience  -  Optimize Spending  -  Quality Creative + Copy  -  Strong Team Dynamic

Creating advanced advertising plans that target customers with different messages, strategies and creative throughout the course of their online presence. We currently run most journeys between 4-7 days, with longer term journeys following for 10-30 days. Ads are staggered and are never shown continuously or repetitive content.

Extended Journey  -  Past Purchaser Journey  -  Nudge Journey  -  View Content Journey

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